ROBON® 2.0
is a breakthrough in G2G digital communication


These days buzz eGovernment, GDPR, identity, data privacy, Wiki leaks... Our world faces real challenges. 

Introduction of the Robon system

These days buzz eGovernment, GDPR, identity, data privacy, Wiki leaks... Our world faces real challenges. Real need to identify citizens, real need to ease state administration, real need to defend democracy, real need to be hybrid threads resistant. Another challenge is the migration to the digital era. We have no plan how to migrate from paper era to the digital era.

A word from authors, History

Since 2008, Czech Republic government approached the challenge of smart administration its own way. Within four year the grounds of eGovernment were laid. The “Czech way” which embeds the migration tools from paper to digital world allows the coexistence of paper and digital administration and the transition from one to another.

Common features for all versions of Robon

Common features, Vertical is


Security is the cornerstone of each information system; in case such system should be taken seriously. Moreover, governmental systems became targets of hybrid wars. 

ROBON® is secure by design. All parts of the application were designed and built from a scratch to meet all reasonably required security standards. Security of user identity and authenticity is similar to internetbanking systems. Data transfers are encrypted by customer’s choice of encryption. Vulnerabilities of traditional email systems is eliminated by different architecture.

ROBON is compliant with eIDAS security recommendation.

Similarly designed application runs for more than 10 years without any security breach despite of being under attacks on daily basis


Document management systems (DMS) are implemented in most of countries. Why then ROBON®?

DMS implementation is mostly done in central agencies, where the number of documents is large and DMS is the only way how to handle the number of documents. DMS systems, (although there might be implemented centrally and regulated by law) for a good reason might be governmental agency specific. DMS systems are not implemented in small governmental agencies, typically in small municipalities.

ROBON interconnects ALL governmental agencies while protecting particular agency specifics and investments.

ROBON as an eGovernment asynchronous Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) interconnects governmental administration in one communication structure with trusted documents and data messaging.

It is advised to build as soon as possible testing environment including DMS API, make API available to DMS developers, discuss with them how to connect DMS to ROBON. It is necessary to allow enough time to test DMS connections to ROBON before launching production environment of ROBON.

Remember: User experience of DMS users must remain unchanged after connection of DMS to ROBON


We are quite flexible in terms of financing. 

To share some experience, it makes a good sense to implement ROBON® in indicated phases, e.g., to implement first Version 1.0, then 2.0 and then 3.0. It is important to know, that G2 communication as well as the communication G2B and G2C should be paid by the government. B2B and B2C communication should be paid by the sending or receiving party. (E. g., bank may want to pay the incoming messages for its clients.

Thus, we would recommend to finance Version 1.0 using CAPEX/OPEX model, Versions 2.0. and 3.0 on performance and/or revenue sharing basis.

As ROBON is a serious investment, we suggest mid-term engagement, i. e. three- or five-year contract.


We expect to cooperate with local partners.

We would expect local IT partners to provide communication and hardware infrastructure, L1 support staff. We expect local law firm to support local legislation compliance. 

Cooperation with local electronic means of identification is definite prerequisite


It is the customer who has to own the solution completely. Therefore


Almost every country in the world has a strategy to digitalize its economy, its public administration. Since 2006 our companies participated actively on this process in Czech Republic. We have seen many strategic documents. They were often very ambitious. 

Video introduction Robon

Governance: message and control

Regardless of the type of governance, in the very detail one clerk messages the other clerk and wants to be sure the message is delivered and heard.

  • ROBON brings control over the messaging – brings control over the governance.
  • No mores “It has not arrived yet”, “It might be in the post”,
    “I have not received your letter, sir”.
  • Get ROBON®! Streamline your governance!
  • ROBON delivers the message instantly.
  • ROBON makes the sender sure the recipient receives the message.
  • ROBON proves the recipient has opened the message.
  • ROBON disables the recipient to refuse the receipt of message.

Version / levels Robon

Robon 1.0


With this plan, advanced marketers and high volume senders will receive unlimited seats, multivariate testing, and our entire suite of marketing feature






Robon 2.0


With this plan, advanced marketers and high volume senders will receive unlimited seats, multivariate testing, and our entire suite of marketing feature.

Everything in ROBON 1.0, plus:








Robon 3.0


With this plan, advanced marketers and high volume senders will receive unlimited seats, multivariate testing, and our entire suite of marketing feature.

Everything in ROBON 2.0, plus:







