Mailbox x Databox? Mailbox & Databox!


Every official needs a reliable email, preferably with the option of two-factor authentication using a mobile device (on a smartphone with an app or through confirmation SMS on a regular phone)

  • E-mail is the best tool for operational communication and document exchange
  • E-mail and mobile device are naturaltools for notification services
  • E-mail and mobile device are esssential for “digital” officials


For the digitization of public administration (generally for digitization of the economy), the exchange of data or digital documents with metadata for automated processing between entities is necessary, whether in commercial applications deployed in companies or in specialized office systems custom-developed according to current legislation.

  • Databox is the best tool for the trusted delivery of documents with metadata or for transactional data collection in complex processes where the decision maker is a human.
  • Databox guarantees the trustworthiness of the sender and the recipient, the delivery and receipt times and especially ensures that the data message with documents and data is authentic and has not been altered.
  • Databox is the natural digital mailroom of the office, open 24/7

Digital services

Digital services of the state are mostly available on the centralized portal of the public Administration, as well as on portals of individual offices.

These are digital services:

  • which can be evaluated by automated system with an immediate response and result for the client with an on-screen display or downloadable extract from a link on the web
  • which are evaluated by humans or AI under human control, i.e. services, that usually initiate an administrative action, which establishes a file with a file number and has a defined administrative deadline for processing.The result is often a public document (permit, approval, decision, etc) which may be  subjectto litigation, including the fulfillment of administrative deadlines.

The first type of services (provided by an automated system) requires only the client’s digital identity and internet access, while the second type of services requires in addition Databox as a trusted communication channel.

Automated processing

The Databox public service interface for third-party applications supplied to authorities or commercially distributed in the private sector represents a transactional data bus for the exchange of documents and metadata or structured data with government (eGovernment Enterprise Service Bus). The online data exchange bus (the reference interface of a linked government data pool)works on the same principle, with an immediate response typically on a portal site (check if company XY has a corporate criminal record Automated processing means the receipt of  data or documents with metadata via any bus directly into the authority ́s system and assignment for processing in the relevant agency with either automatic processing or evaluation of the request by the official without further manual transcription of the retrieved data into the system.

So it is not Mailbox x Databox, but Mailbox + Databox