ROBON® 3.0
Most advanced version of ROBON include all functions of previous versions plus advanced functionality for electronic document creation and processing. eSigning/eSealing allows to create compliant electronic documents. eContracting supports multistep processes typical for G2B/B2B communication. Full functionality of ParcelBoxes and Digital bridge extends communication to G2C area.
Implementation of eFilling
(government and municipalities)
ROBON e-FormFilling, an extension mostly used in G2B and G2C scenarios. Allows collection of structured data (XML) from electronic submissions with their automated processing according to the relevant XML schema (XSD) in third-party applications; supports Mandate Broker for submissions to the authority (includes mandate information of the sender), supports design of responsive forms for each Data Box with their automated publication on the authority's public board. Extension to with the possibility of integration to a hybrid delivery provider ("Paperless office" with sending data to the provider and its delivery in paper form).
Qualified certificate is set up for an individual upon request sent in Data Message after logging in with their eID (means of electronic identification according to the eIDAS regulation). The administration provides life cycle services for the issued certificate for the natural person (revocation, issuing a new one to the existing one). ROBON eSigning/eSealing complies with the eIDAS Regulation, qualified certificates (valid for min. 1 year, max. 3 years) are managed on certified HSM devices located in the ROBON security perimeter which are registered on the EU Trusted Lists (qualified devices for creating electronic signatures), a security log is kept on all operations with electronic signatures.
Documents are signed in the WebApp without the need to install drivers for smart cards or tokens. The electronic signature on a PDF document can be visualized in the WebApp (signature, etc.) and placed on any page or position. For high security when signing a document, the second factor is the individual's ROBON account (in the WebApp Portal Settings interface) paired with the ROBON Key mobile app for Android/iOS devices. The app works on the same principle as the mobile key payment confirmation in internet.
Workflow for signing and sending a contractual document to the counterparty via Data Message, processing the Data Message with the counterparty's signature and sending the signed document as a Data Message. Notification, verification of the authority to sign for the organization and validation of the signing certificate with generation of a signature clause for both parties. Both parties use ROBON eSigning for signature, the signed document in the Data Message can be verified by a third party according to eIDAS regulation as well as the authenticity of the Data Message.